This HCB organization has made their finances public. Hey, what’s HCB?

Transfers 309

Total 126,626.81
On the way 0.00
Canceled 684.96
Status Date To Amount
Fulfilled Arcade for Using funds from WHW to fund projects built by teams $53,411.32
Fulfilled Bedroom Security System for Addtl funding $10.00
Fulfilled AI-Powered RC Car for Addtl funding $10.00
Fulfilled NFC RFID Wallet for Winter Hardware Wonderland Grant $70.00
Fulfilled PianoBot for additional funding $80.00
Fulfilled PianoBot for Additional WHW funding $45.00
Fulfilled Secure VPN Travel Router for Addtl whw funding $7.00
Fulfilled STEMabled for Addtl funding $340.00
Fulfilled Non Invasive eBike Conversion for Addtl funding $30.00
Fulfilled Out of Time for Additional funding $34.00
Fulfilled MIDI GO Box v2 for ❄️ Winter Hardware Wonderland Grant $70.00
Fulfilled AI Assistant Home Automation System for Winter Hardware Wonderland Grant $45.00
Fulfilled Self Hosted Home Assistant for Winter Hardware Wonderland Grant $215.00
Fulfilled Automatic titration for Winter Hardware Wonderland Grant $20.00
Fulfilled Voice controlled car for WHW grant $205.00
Fulfilled Secure VPN Travel Router for Addtl hardware funding $8.00
Fulfilled STEMabled for WHW grant $610.00
Fulfilled 3d printer upgrades for WHW grant $145.00
Fulfilled Custom Key Layouts for Additional Funding for WHW $10.00
Fulfilled Internet of Things Display Device for WHW grant $180.00
Fulfilled Damien Invasion for Addtl funding for hardware $15.00
Fulfilled Water Level Monitoring System for WHW grant $90.00
Fulfilled Custom Keyboard with Desoldered Lighting for WHW grant $500.00
Fulfilled Mechatronic Hand for WHW grant $250.00
Fulfilled Gramophone-502x for Addtl funding for project $15.00
Fulfilled AI-Powered RC Car for WHW grant $600.00
Fulfilled Designing and Building an RC Car for Winter Hardware Wonderland Grant $220.00
Fulfilled Self-Hosted Server for Winter Hardware Wonderland Grant $85.00
Fulfilled ATL Notice Board for WHW grant $235.00
Fulfilled Secure VPN Travel Router for WHW grant $235.00
Fulfilled Converting a cycle into a E-Bike for WHW grant $365.00
Fulfilled IoT Plant Watering System for addtl funding $90.00
Fulfilled LED Cube for WHW grant $225.00
Fulfilled Experimenting with Heat and Electricity for WHW grant $250.00
Fulfilled Artificial Rescuer for Winter Hardware Wonderland Grant $235.00
Fulfilled Meteorological Dolphin Drone for Winter Hardware Wonderland Grant $20.00
Fulfilled Meteorological Dolphin Drone for Winter Hardware Wonderland Grant $230.00
Fulfilled Designing and Building an RC Car for Winter Hardware Wonderland Grant $780.00
Fulfilled LucidVR Haptic Gloves with RC Car and Robot Arm for ❄️ Winter Hardware Wonderland Grant $500.00
Fulfilled Mini Keyboard for Winter Hardware Wonderland Grant $250.00
Fulfilled Home Security Drone for WHW grant $250.00
Fulfilled Chat Robot for Addtl funding for hardware project $35.00
Fulfilled AI Assistant Home Automation System for Winter Hardware Wonderland Grant $25.00
Fulfilled Map It :) for WHW grant $235.00
Fulfilled QPong Game Console for Winter Hardware Wonderland Grant $115.00
Fulfilled Helium Nuclear Fusr for Winter Hardware Wonderland Grant $250.00
Fulfilled RC Drone for WHW grant $250.00
Fulfilled Smart Music System for Winter Hardware Wonderland Grant $250.00
Fulfilled LED Network Speakers for WHW grant $220.00
Fulfilled Self Balancing Reaction Wheel Cube for Winter Hardware Wonderland Grant $155.00
Fulfilled NFC RFID Wallet for Winter Hardware Wonderland Grant $140.00
Fulfilled 3D Printed Wireless Rechargeable Gaming Mouse for WHW grant $250.00
Fulfilled Custom Key Layouts for WHW grant $490.00
Fulfilled Alexa Controlled Smart Mirror for Winter Hardware Wonderland Grant $500.00
Fulfilled Home Host for Winter Hardware Wonderland Grant $1,000.00
Fulfilled 3D Printer for WHW grant $240.00
Fulfilled 3D printed custom mechanical keyboard for WHW grant $500.00
Fulfilled DIY electric bike! for Addtl funding for hardware costs inc $50.00
Fulfilled Automatic titration for Winter Hardware Wonderland Grant $140.00
Fulfilled USB HID Glove for Winter Hardware Wonderland Grant $225.00
Fulfilled Pet-Feeding System for Winter Hardware Wonderland Grant $250.00
Fulfilled Home-Environment Monitor for Winter Hardware Wonderland Grant Additional Funds $8.00
Fulfilled AI Assistant Home Automation System for Winter Hardware Wonderland Grant $180.00
Fulfilled QuadCopter for WHW grant $250.00
Fulfilled Mini Home NAS for Winter Hardware Wonderland Grant $250.00
Fulfilled Mech-Pupp for Winter Hardware Wonderland Grant $225.00
Fulfilled RC Tracked Vehicle for Winter Hardware Wonderland Grant $250.00
Fulfilled Vr Body Trackers for WHW grant $235.00
Fulfilled Foosball Scoreboard for WHW grant $315.00
Fulfilled Project Oreo for ❄️ Winter Hardware Wonderland Grant $210.00
Canceled Project Oreo for ❄️ Winter Hardware Wonderland Grant $209.95
Fulfilled Digital Typewriter Project for ❄️ Winter Hardware Wonderland Grant $250.00
Fulfilled Simple Stereo Amp for ❄️ Winter Hardware Wonderland Grant $120.00
Fulfilled FSC (full self cycling Bike for WHW grant $500.00
Fulfilled Custom Firmware Keyboard for WHW grant $250.00
Fulfilled Gramophone-502x for WHW grant $400.00
Fulfilled DIY electric bike! for WHW grant $200.00
Fulfilled Bedroom Security System for WHW grant $240.00
Fulfilled Autonomous Butler Robot for Winter Hardware Wonderland Grant $250.00
Fulfilled Autonomous Self Driving Tesla CyberTruck for Winter Hardware Wonderland Grant $250.00
Fulfilled 3d Printed Prosthetic Hand for WHW grant $160.00
Fulfilled Desktop Train Departure Board for WHW grant $245.00
Fulfilled Non Invasive eBike Conversion for WHW grant $685.00
Fulfilled 6DOF Ultralight Robot Camera Arm for Winter Hardware Wonderland Grant $250.00
Fulfilled Computer Vision Raspberry Pi Drone for ❄️ Winter Hardware Wonderland Grant $490.00
Fulfilled PianoBot for WHW grant $875.00
Fulfilled Plant Watering System for WHW grant $500.00
Fulfilled ASL Translator for Winter Hardware Wonderland Grant $82.00
Fulfilled Multi-Function Mechanical Keyboard for WHW grant $250.00
Fulfilled Custom Biquad Yagi Antenna for Winter Hardware Wonderland Grant $220.00
Fulfilled Smart Door Lock for WHW grant $490.00
Fulfilled Mechanically Codable Robot for WHW grant $620.00
Fulfilled Don't Leave Your Key's Behind-Inator for WHW grant $195.00
Fulfilled 6' FPV Drone for WHW grant $500.00
Fulfilled Arduino CNC plotter machine for remainder of WHW funds $25.00
Fulfilled Newsight for WHW grant $220.00
Fulfilled High Altitude Balloon Project for WHW grant $650.00
Fulfilled Arduino Plant Base for WHW grant $245.00
Fulfilled Smart Mirror / Temperature and Humidity Logger for WHW grant $500.00
Fulfilled Covert Remote BadUSB With 3D Printed Disguise for Winter Hardware Wonderland Grant $250.00